Sunday 15 July 2018

#MySundayPhoto: Week 6

Every picture tells a story! So here are my favourite photos from our week.

"Butterfly Hunting"

This week, I couldn't just pick one photo! We went for a lovely little walk through Ford Green Hall yesterday. This kids loved going off the beaten track a bit, chasing butterflies though the long grass, and searching for them amongst the bright purple flowers! I managed to snap a rare photo of us three, and everyone is looking at the camera too! The third photo is of the kids chatting to the geese! 

I'm linking up this post with these fabulous blogs:

Living Arrows


  1. Ooh great photos!!

    Thank you for linking up to #SilentSunday, you’re now in with a chance of winning Cheerz vouchers!

  2. Fab pictures! Love the colours of the flowers there. #MySundayPhoto

  3. What a great area to enjoy

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  4. Looks like you guys had a fun day! #MySundayPhoto

  5. LOVE the first photo! I could almost be lay there myself hehe! #MySundayPhoto

    1. Haha! Might get a bit itchy amongst all that foliage! :)

  6. This photo encourages me to get out amongst nature again. #MySundayPhoto

  7. I don't blame you sharing multiple photos this week - it really does look like such a lovely day out x


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