Wednesday 6 June 2018

Health and Wellbeing: Mummy does Aqua Aerobics! read that right! Last night I did something new. I took some time off from being a mum, and did something for myself. I went to an aqua aerobics class at my local leisure centre! 

When my friends messaged to ask if I fancied going with them, many thoughts crossed my mind. How will I politely get out of this without looking like the miserable one? Mainly, I was worried about getting my cossy on in public; I mean, during the day I wear clothes that disguise every flaw - why would I want them all on show, hanging out in all their paleness?! 

I have been a member of a well-known slimming club for 2 years, and when I reached my target last spring, I felt the best I'd ever felt about myself. However, since late last year I've lost all my dieting/healthy eating mojo and things started to slip. I decided about 8 weeks ago to take a break from going to the weekly slimming class. It was consuming me. I thought about food all the time. I dreamed about it. I lived my life in fear of my motivation and willpower leaving me high and dry every time I met friends for coffee and the inevitable cake. So, I stopped going. And I started eating. Everything! 


Here I am, 8 weeks down the line (well, honestly I'd say I've been going slowly backwards since Christmas) and I'm literally back where I started, 2 stone heavier again and miserable in my own skin. With my willpower, motivation and self-loathing at an all time low, what's a mum to do?
Say YES to my friends would be a good start! So I plucked up the courage to don the swimming costume and go to a  class. And do you know what? It was ace! No need to worry at all. There were 30 people of all shapes and sizes, all there for the same reason. Nobody batted an eyelid at my chalky tree stump legs and wobbly belly! 

The instructor was brilliant - he was full of energy and enthusiasm (and it didn't hurt that he was easy on the eye too!) and really motivational. I'm pretty sure he thought he was an 18-30s holiday rep in Ibiza, but that's what kept us going! He kept repeating, "I don't want you to do what you CAN, I want you to do your BEST!" I think that's quite a good mantra for life actually!

So, from today I have vowed to take a little bit more time out from being "mum," to be me again. I want to be healthier in body and mind, for myself and my family and I think taking some regular time out for myself is a good start! Now I have found an activity which I enjoy, I will try to keep it up and commit to go once a week. And thanks to my two lovely friends, I feel a bit more confident to put myself out there, out of my comfort zone, and do things I haven't done for years! So, inspired by the instructor, I don't just want to be just me, I want to be the best me I can be! After all, being a better me will make me a better mum and wife. 
What do you get up to in those rare "mummy time out" moments? Do you go to an exercise class? How do you get your motivation back once it's slipped? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to know! Or if you're a blogger, why not join in with the new monthly linky #ThisMumCan hosted by Girls' Gospel, to celebrate your achievements, however big or small. 

Finding joy in the little things: Simply put, last night I had a real giggle with a good friend (our other friend couldn't join us in the end this week), with out worrying about any of my little people. I took an hour out for myself, chilled out, had a laugh and really enjoyed it! I must do it more often! 

I'm linking up this post with these fabulous blogs:
Bringing up Georgia     Confessions of a New Mummy   JakiJellz   grab button for This Mum Can


  1. It sounds like you had fun and might be something to try again. #fortheloveofBLOG

  2. This is such a positive post, on so many levels. Firstly well done on taking the plunge and doing something you feared. And a big whoop whoop to you for taking that much-deserved me-time and doing something for yourself, as a person, as opposed to as a mum. It's so important to re-charge ourselves in whatever way makes us happy. And it's absolutely ok to do so:)

    1. Ah thanks Nicole, that's a lovely comment. I don't think our other halves get it really, just how important it is for us mums to take time out for ourselves. Where they seem to be able to just pop out for a pint, or go fishing for 3 hours after work, we have to put a military style plan into action just to have a 20 minute bath to ourselves! Re-charging is so important, and I'm starting to work on this a bit more! :)

  3. Love the idea of doing this type of form of exercise but have yet to try it. Thank you for sharing your experience. #itsok

  4. Well done on getting out there and doing it! This was one of the reasons I wanted a dog, so that I could get outside and walk more. Being a parent is so intense, especially if you have the lion's share of the responsibility, so getting some time out is so important! x

    1. It certainly is Kate! We owe ourselves time to wind down and relax.

  5. This sounds like a lot of fun! Good for you! #twinklytuesday

    1. It really was, been back about 3 times since and off there again tonight!


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