Monday, 14 May 2018

Easy bird feeders to make with children

The children love to feed the birds when we're out and about, so I decided to bring some of that excitement into our own garden. We chose to make some bird seed feeders to hang outside, to attract some birds into our back yard. They are really quick and easy to do, making it a simple activity for children of all ages to join in with. 
Here's how to make your own easy bird seed feeders!

1. Gather up all your equipment.

  • 1 or 2 blocks of lard (Dirt cheap from all major supermarkets)
  • Bird seed (We mixed two types together, but you could add oats and raisins)
  • Empty plastic containers (We used a variety of yoghurt/custard pots)
  • String
  • Scissors
  • A metal skewer or similar (For making a hole in each container)
  • A mixing bowl and spoon (We used plastic for safety reasons)
  • Something handy to wipe slimy hands on! (Lard is super greasy but lovely to squidge if you fancy getting your hands in there!)

2. Prepare your plastic containers.

Make a small hole in the middle of each container with the metal skewer. Make sure an adult does this part! 
Poke some string through the holes and tie with a knot on the inside. Make sure you don't pull the knot all the way to the top of the container - you want it  to run through the middle of your lard and seed mix.

3. Make your bird seed and lard mix.

You'll need your lard really soft, but not runny. We left ours out in the sun while we prepared all the other bits. 
Add your bird seed and mix until you have plenty of seeds and you can't see much of the fat any more. (A bit like making crispy cakes!) We used about two thirds of each bag pictured to one block of softened lard. It needs to be mould-able in case you want to roll it into fat balls.

4. Divide the mixture into your containers. 

You don't need to fill them to the top, but make sure you have the string running through all of it because if you don't, the mixture will just fall off the string! (We made this school boy error!)
Pop your filled  containers into your fridge overnight to solidify.

5. Cut open your containers to release your bird seed feeders!

Make sure an adult does this part. You can mould your feeders with your hands here if you like. We rolled ours in our palms to make them look like little balls! We also rolled them in the left over seeds we had, just before we hung them outside.

6. Hang your bird seed feeders and wait for your winged visitors!

Just don't do what we did and hang them eagerly on the hottest Bank Holiday Monday since records began! The fat balls just ended up sliding off the string onto the floor, much to the delight of the puppies! It was back to the fridge for a day or two for them, until the weather cooled! 

Tip: Some shop bought bird seed contains nuts and other allergens, so please check ingredients carefully if you have allergies. Or better still, make your own bird seed mix from other ingredients to ensure the safety of your children and yourself.

For some other great ways to involve your children in the garden, why not visit Rachel Bustin's blog post, Beat Summer Holiday Boredom By Getting In The Garden.

Finding joy in the little things: The children loved getting involved with this craft. They we so eager to hang their little bird treats and watch for visitors. The following morning, I heard squeals of excitement coming from my little boy's bedroom... 

Mummy, look! The birds are having their breakfast! Look! They like what we made them!

Both children were stood on top of the toy box, peering out the window at their first customers! It was a struggle to peel them away to get ready that morning. I'll definitely be making these easy bird seed feeders with the children again soon!

I'm linking up this post with these fabulous blogs:

Confessions of a New Mummy


  1. I now know what I'm doing this weekend! Brilliant guide. #twinklytuesday

    1. Just don't hang them on a hot day and leave greedy puppies on their own in the garden...!! Thanks for commenting, let us know how they turn out! x


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